Friday, September 29, 2006

崭新出发 - 再续前落, beta

Hello, Welcome back my blog..
when i tried to log in back my desolated came out a beta version why not get a try? haha, so i decided to have a look on it.

this time blogger work with google, in order to use the beta feature, blogger must have a google gmail account :p

now, let see what kind of cool feature beta offer:p

first, you are require to choose a template. It nothing new here, just like last time.

once your template is ready, now here where the new cool feature here.

Look this is the cool interface. No longer need to know any html syntax:D

let get a look to the right column ....zoooooom in

you see, can just use your mouse to re-arrange the elements.. very cool!

what kind of element we can add? see..

we can add label, link list, picture, event your google adsense html/javascipt also can add it in. pretty simple :D

Finally, one of the feature that is extreme useful is the fonts and color settings..
previously if you want to change font type or coloring, you have to go thru the html code and replace it, very tedious right..? now can you do it just with few mouse click ;).

phew.... well, how was it? cool right ? involve yourself in beta now by register at

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Quote of the Day

For Millions of years mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination. We leaned to talk.

-- Stephen Hawking


─霍金 生於1942年,英國著名物理學家。

Mankind - (名)人類
Unleash - (動)解開

Joshua return

tat tattt tah...I am back. long time I doesn't update my blog. Well, it cause by many reasons: no time, lazy, no internet, page load slow ...Etc
all these are excuses for me to update my blog..
Now, the world is changed, kids' super hero are coming back. Superman, batman, x-men, spiderman... so, after a long time asleep, is the time for me to bull shit something in my blog. I still remember last time I am started blogging is to keep remark my life's wonderful things. After an half-month energy charge.. Finally I recover my password and login here to blog again (forgot my username and password :D)

well, before I graduate, I got offer from Altera cop. At penang. So now accepted the offer and become 1 of the resident in penang as well as 1 of the employee in Altera. Life here is good, office enviroment is good, everything is goods.

well, eventually my blog also not much people reading on it. Well if you are reading on it, please put a comment so that i know still got human being is reading on it.
-end blog-