Friday, September 23, 2005

STOMP in Malaysia!!

welcome back!!
long time didnt blog and the few days getting lazier and lazier because i ended my industrial training. thats really cool.

ok, let back to topic. On 18th of Sep, 3.00pm sharp,the show start according to the schedule. A muscular guy with "owen" old hair style in gold color came out by carrying a broom to sweep the floor. later on, 1 more guy come out and this process keep going on, until 8 members are all on the stage!! you will never think that a broom with a shoe can make such a rhythmic sound untill you cant stop shaking your body....

unfortunately, we are not allow to take photo or record. So if you really want to know what happen, go and watch! once in a life time, worth to spend a little money to discover what the hell they are doing!

can you imagine, just by making fun by using dustbin lid, hands, body part, basketball, newspaper, sand even air and water.. they are able to make a tour performance internationally.

bong bong bong, chang chang chang~~ hahaha, enjoy?yes i am.

*look at the stage, very familiar? yes, the stair is where they hanging and show off they talent...haha

* the auditorium full ar! bao man!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005



真的是逆水行舟,不进则退!!想当年拿么FIT 的我,跑了2,3km,就已经精疲力尽了。别讲什么10km 马拉松。


但是现实总是残酷的,回到现实中就如刚刚被捕捉起来的鱼,已奄奄一息差点“丧命”。即使被放回大海也难逃一命, 因为在现场一堆满了垃圾!!马来西亚的公民的公民意识是在实在是太太太低了。无次序的拿赠品,争先恐后,没排队实在是有失礼仪!


Sunday, September 04, 2005


我有很多要做的事情 都是维持3分钟热度的。。很久很久以前就想要自己创作一首歌,试试看。如今还是一事无成,10化没有一丿
