Sunday, August 07, 2005

crowded pc fair

one year twices pc fair come again, unfortunately this pc fair fallen on a meaningful weekend which is MMU convo day. my god, i was worrying for so long how to get into a win win situation, but it seem like impossible for me to do so, so finally i decided to go pc fair ... and visit my friends later :D

wah..the pc fair event worst than the mega sales!! there are so many persons there...especially in the 2nd hall, most kedai runcit IT stores are placed there la..
wahha... the "traffic" totally "failed"... can u imagine it is like all aunities go pasar malam buy cloths. walk 2 steps, stop 2 minutes to argue to get cheaper prices....haih, tiring

actually im not willing to go this pc fair, but no point wanna buy digital camera, so i go with her to see got any cheap thing i can get or not. finally let me found 1 magazine!!

HWM (aka HardWare Magazine) haha...i subscript this magazine for 1 year !! cost RM 120.. but i subscript not because of the magazine but if the free gift!!

subscript HWM can get a FREE microsoft Wireless IntelliMouse and 1oo sheets of photo paper. If compare with the hotest magazine in IT trend (CHIP) , HWM is thicker ...around 1cm thick, compare with chip, dai tou lan la!! hahaha

but after i subscript this maganize, im facing a critical finance crisis!! the KLCC parking cost me RM 12 for 6 hours ++.. i hv to eat breath and drink plain water everyday already, friends come donate me some money, i pray for you...


美翔 said...

look forward more updates from ur blog.. i will donate u.. dun worry

KwongHong said...

you qing yum sui bao la ~~

c2 said...

no la, we not tan qin shuo ai here la...
you yao game yam "si" bao la

c2 said...
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Anonymous said...

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